Earlier, we wrote about the scandal associated with the struggle of various fake “volunteers” who criminally serve the aggressor’s army for the opportunity to participate in the appropriation of “humanitarian aid” forcibly collected from the “population and business”.

In particular, it was about “major” Yulia Petrakova, close to the clan of the criminal Aksyonov, from the invaders’ “Crimean”, “126 marine brigade”, as well as the infamous “blogger” Alexander Talipov, in their “rat fuss” with such an aggressor propagandist as terrorist “cossack” Yegor Gouzenko.

However, as it turned out, the “disappearance of humanitarian aid trucks” under the auspices of “volunteer – major” Petrakova is quite typical for the occupiers, since in an operetta with a “humanitarian aid” for the aggressor, the main thing is not only the figurant’s loyalty, but also the ability to lie to the camera, and also – to share the stolen property.

A similar approach can be traced in the activities of the criminal structure “Crimean union of combat veterans” declared by the occupiers since August 2022, from which its criminal “chairman” Vladimir Smirnov regularly goes to the “television” of the aggressor’s Crimean propaganda, such as the fake channel “Crimea 24”.

This “third-year correspondence student”, however, was “noted” not so much in participation in criminal hostilities, but in participation in “schemes for humanitarian aid”, which is massively “mastered” through the specified “laying” not only by a number of aggressor’s military formations, but also affiliated “firms” through which the collaborators “sell” “humanitarian aid” to the same population, from whom it was forcibly and criminally confiscated earlier.

Here we can mention a number of “entrepreneurs” connected with Smirov, controlled by the occupiers, involved in scams with the “humanitarian aid”, such as Victoria Fedorovich and Ksenia Golovach. And therefore it is obvious that Smirnov’s “business” is flourishing, and his inspiration, with which he criminally “broadcasts” on “Crimea 24” about “drones, beards and tablets” has extensive “material grounds”.

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