A couple of days ago, the criminal “Minister of resorts and tourism” of the Russian occupiers, Vadim Volchenko, said that “the May load of the Crimean resorts is expected to be 40-70 %”. However, the collaborators themselves admit that last year such figures lied about the “60% load” at a time when it was clearly not so “laced”.

As the media-servant of the criminal Aksyonov, the fake “Koktebel opposition blogger” Alexander Gorny admits, “May holidays” “will be a failure and very far from the bright forecasts of a comrade”.

At the same time, stating that the collaborators allegedly “thumped colossal budget money for clearing territories and cosmetics,” Gorny himself states that this was solely “for the sake of mastering this money.”

It should be noted that the funds spent by the collaborators in 2023 on “beautification” and the corresponding PR campaign around them pursued a fairly obvious goal of “washing their hands”, since it is obvious that very soon the Kremlin will start looking for “guilty of disrupting the season” and, of course, not in Moscow.

However, it is obvious that since the money did not reach the very “beautification” itself, and the Crimean residents see the difference between the TV picture and the widespread devastation every day, the Crimean collaborators decided to hastily “eliminate the shortcomings” by forced “subbotniks” for illegal “state employees”.

But here the weather played a cruel joke on the occupiers – for the third weekend in a row, the peninsula is covered with heavy rains, in some places turning into flooding, and this “last push for improvement” is constantly being postponed.

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