We have repeatedly described the anti-abortion campaign inflated by the aggressor in pursuit of “demographic achievements” and new “cannon fodder”, in which Patriarch Kirill “marked” himself with his statements about “magic sticks”, and his “best Crimean friend”, Metropolitan Tikhon, and a number of Crimean collaborators, including “senator” Kovitidi.

It is noteworthy that persons somewhat more knowledgeable in family planning from the servants of the aggressor, such as Donetsk resident Natalya Reznichenko, from the fake “public chamber” and part-time “professor of the department of obstetrics, gynecology and perinatology”, who resettled to Crimea, now admit that “all individual measures … are just targeted solutions that will be ineffective” and that “people simply leave and have abortions elsewhere. No one will prohibit you from buying a plane ticket”.

In fact, statistics convincingly show that the occupiers were “a little late” in this fight, since in the aggressor-controlled territory the number of abortions is rapidly decreasing by itself, from 2138 thousand in 2000 to 848 thousand in 2015, 553 thousand in 2020 and 395 thousand in 2022 accordingly. The occupiers also include Crimean abortions in these figures, without giving their number, but also stating their significant reduction to “sticks from Patriarch Kirill,” and admitting that in 2022 the number of abortions on the peninsula was about a thousand.

And the speech, of course, is not about the “awakened craving for motherhood,” but about three main factors. This is a general significant reduction in the reproductive population in the Russia-controlled territory, as well as a general reduction in conceptions themselves, including due to deteriorating public health. The third reason was also the increasing literacy of the population in contraceptives everywhere, including aggressor-controlled territories. Thus, it is obvious that the aggressor can consider a ban on the sale of contraceptives as the next stage in the fight for “fertility” and “cannon fodder”.

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