As aggressor-controlled “Krymstat” stated, in the first three quarters of 2023, Crimean “farms of all categories sold 95.8 thousand tons of livestock and poultry (in live weight) for slaughter, which is 0.9% less than January-September 2022”.

The aggressor, even in such “softened” “statistics”, admits a “decrease in the volume of milk produced, to 152.5 thousand tons, which is 1.4% less than last year” and refutes itself the fakes we recently described about the “Crimean milk boom.” It is decladed that the number of vegetables grown “decreased by 2.8%, to 72.9 thousand tons”.

At the same time, “Krymstat” declared that the number of cattle in the occupied AR of Crimea “totaled 97.3 thousand heads and decreased by 6.1%”, cows “decreased by 7.2%”, sheep and goats “by 2.4 percent”, but the number of poultry decreased by more than more than doubled, by “53%”. The reason for these “unprecedented successes” should be considered the logistics crisis created by the occupiers and the constant rise in prices for feed crops.

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