As the “whole” fake “vice-president of the Crimea Development Fund” and “general director of the company” “Resort”, Sevastopol collaborator Vasily Dyachenko recently said in Russian-occupied Abkhazia during a “selfie tour” at the “IV Tourism Forum” “Visit Apsny” , the occupiers are “ready to help Abkhazia expand the tourist flow through sea communications”

“We have modern, highly noise-insulated “Comets”, which currently operate in the direction of Gelendzhik – Novorossiysk – Sochi. By next season we want to extend this route from Sochi to Sukhumi”, Dyachenko said. At the same time, he stated that “Comets will not be used in Crimea next season, so there is an opportunity to send them along new promising routes”.

In fact, as we wrote earlier, as of the summer of that year, only one “Comet” out of five laid down and two fully built, is now more or less operational in the Black Sea waters, suitable for modern passenger transportation under the control of the aggressor. That vessel was “launched” in 2018 by then Russian prime minister, notorious Dmitry Medvedev.

This vessel, equipped with a German MTU engine, is indeed used by the owner with a base in Novorossiysk for Caucasian transportation, and her “sister” is located in occupied Sevastopol, which, due to sanctions, “was installed with an adapted Chinese engine”. Both in 2022 and in 2023, this “Crimean” “Comet” did not go into illegal navigation, despite the public lie about this to the Kremlin dictator personally from the Russian deputy minister of transport Andrei Kostyuk.

Now it is extremely likely that the aggressor is preparing a scam with the sale of the “eternally repaired” “Sevastopol “Comet”” “from Medvedev” to the occupied territory of Georgia, far from “unnecessary questions”, where it will rot “safely”.

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