As part of the fake “claim for damage from the water blockade of Crimea” that we have repeatedly described, as can now be found out from the statements of collaborators, the ephemeral “representatives of the plaintiff” turned to the illegal “arbitration court” with a “request to consider the case behind closed doors”. The collaborators stated that allegedly “this is due to the fact that during the proceedings, data regarding the infrastructure of the North Crimean Canal, the location of water supply facilities, as well as information constituting a commercial secret of the activities of enterprises” of the chemical industry may be disclosed.

The delusion of such “reasons for closure” is obvious. Before the start of a large-scale invasion of mainland Ukraine in 2022, including after the start of the occupation of Crimea, all documentation on the channel was clearly located in its headquarters in the city of Tavriysk, Kherson region; Crimean chemical enterprises also left a fairly significant “paper trail” in specialized institutions in mainland Ukraine. What “new” can an observer of the criminal show of supposedly “adversarial arbitration” learn here? This is a rather rhetorical question.

In addition, allegedly “fearing to communicate” such “valuable information” to the state of Ukraine, the collaborators “slightly forgot” that they declared Ukraine as a fake “defendant” in this “process”; the idea of hiding from the “defendant” the actual “evidence” regarding “his business dispute” will obviously become a “pearl of legal thought” from Konstantinov and Fix.

However, speaking seriously, there are two reasons for the sudden “confidentiality” from collaborators: an understanding of the absurdity of the “process” itself with a reluctance to add new memes to the information space, as well as a clear awareness that all the “statements and evidence” published there will subsequently become real evidence, but already at courts in the cases of the Crimean collaborators themselves.

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