According to the occupiers-controlled “media”, on July 7 the Kremlin dictator signed a criminal decree, according to which the occupiers’ punishers will conduct checks on persons declared by the aggressor as allegedly “citizens of Russia who renounced Ukrainian citizenship” for their “actions related to the implementation of rights and obligations citizens of Ukraine”.

If the criminal figures of the occupiers’ “ministry of internal affairs” reveal any legal relationship of such a person as a citizen of Ukraine, then he will be “deprived” of the fake “citizenship of Russia” and, for example, in the conditions of the occupied Crimea, this will mean both the risk of deprivation of property and criminal deportation of the citizen by the aggressor.

This criminal innovation has prosaic reasons – the aggressor understands the real moods of persons who are forced to obtain a “Russian passport” and tries to intimidate them with the prospect of repression as “non-citizens”.

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