Beginning on June 9, the aggressor-controlled “media”, including “Crimean” propaganda, began to discuss the demands voiced by the aggressor’s Ministry of Defense to transfer the so-called “volunteer units” like the infamous “Wagner” terrorist structure, “to contracts” with the same invaders’ ministry by July 1.

Aggressor’s ropaganda began to interpret this as an alleged transfer of all participants in the criminal “volunteer units” to a “contract”, that is, turning them into contract soldiers of the Russian army, while the theses of the “justification” and “necessity” of such a step were immediately put forward, mainly to “improve controllability army” of the aggressor.

However, in the voiced statement, it was verbatim about “contracts” not with individuals, but with the “units” themselves, which was confirmed on June 11, when the aggressor’s Ministry of Defense announced that a “contract defining the legal regulation and activities of volunteer units” had been signed with “Akhmat”, controlled by the Chechen Gautleiter Kadyrov.

Thus, the epic with “contracts” will not concern some kind of massive “change of management” of terrorist “private structures”, but simply their paper “formalization”, and also, obviously, the write-off of funds under “contracts”.

It is obvious that the same criminal “Wagner”, whose activities in the occupied Crimea were given the “green light” by the invaders from the fall of 2022, will continue to imitate “amateur activities” for some time, but then, of course, will sign the corresponding piece of paper.

Now all sorts of semi-mythical “volunteer battalions”, which collaborators declared in Melitopol, Henichesk and Simferopol, including the “Sudoplatov battalion”, have repeatedly announced, can “open up a second wind”, precisely in the direction of embezzlement of funds, and therefore the aggressor’s ministry will soon announce the signing with them the same “contracts”.

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