As already noted, in November there were another aggressor’s unsuccessful attempts to imitate “support by the Crimean Tatar diaspora”, or rather, by its only pro-Russian representative, for the ideas of the “Russian world”.

In parallel with these shows, on November 19, a meeting of the platform of the Crimean Tatar organizations of Turkey was held in Eskisehir, Turkey, which brought together 3 foundations, 31 public organizations and 4 initiative groups.

At this meeting, the racial discrimination of the Crimean Tatars by the occupying “administration” was once again condemned and the criminal nature of the “mobilization” of the Crimean Tatars as “cannon fodder” into the aggressor’s army was pointed out. In addition, on November 22, not far from Ankara, in the Kyrykkale town, an international conference “Consequences of the Occupation of Crimea for Turkey and the Crimean Tatar People” was held.

The conference was organised by the University of Kirikkale with the participation of representatives of the Embassy of Ukraine in Turkey and of the town Union of Crimean Tatars, it highlighted the grounds for the occupation of the Crimea, for aggression and imperialist policy of Russia against Ukraine.

Speaking at the conference, Gayana Yuksel, a member of the Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar People, noted that this is a very important topic, because now Ukrainian heroes, among whom there are numerous representatives of the Turkic peoples, are fighting not only for the future of Ukraine, but also for the future of Europe and, without exaggeration, the world.

In this war and aggression, added a member of the representative body of the Crimean Tatars, Crimea occupies a special place, and not only because everything began and must end in Crimea, but also because Ukraine will never give up its territories, and the civilized countries of the world will never recognize the occupation of the peninsula.

Gayana Yuksel urged to think about the future of the Crimea and the Crimean Tatar people after the de-occupation, and also thanked Turkey, its citizens, including representatives of the Crimean Tatar diaspora, for their support and work during the war in Ukraine.

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