Crimean collaborators are trying to combine propaganda and profit as part of the campaign of criminal “nationalization”. So, the fake “Chairman of the state council committee on culture and cultural heritage protection” Nikolai Volkov proposed “as part of nationalization to transform the villa of the singer Sofia Rotaru into a rest home for children.”

In fact, the occupiers have been trying to take away the luxurious “Villa Sofia” hotel built on the Yalta embankment with the singer’s money since 2019, when the singer stopped her Russian concerts for some time after the Kerch incident and martial law introduced in Ukraine.

In this situation, the “Villa Sofia” hotel has stopped working since the beginning of 2020, announcing a “renovation”. Our Association then wrote that this was explained both by a possible change in the Kremlin’s attitude towards Rotaru, and by the obviously Ukrainian citizenship of the hotel owners, which, according to the aggressor’s “legislative changes”, introduced in 2020 year, led to the risks of “nationalization” of Rotaru’s real estate in the occupied Crimea.

Now the Crimean collaborators have decided to “return to this issue”, moreover, hiding behind children, for the recovery of which “Villa Sofia” is obviously not designed. Most likely, criminal “bidding” will be conducted for another Rotaru mansion, located in the Yalta village of Nikita. The pop artist has owned this property since Soviet times and for a long time, in particular after 2014, she actively visited this villa near the botanical garden.

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