We have previously written many times about all sorts of tricks that the aggressor’s special services went to in order to have “Crimean athletes” at the Olympics in Paris, even if in the form of “neutral athletes.”
This long and behind-the-scenes fuss, with the involvement of “Russian sports federations,” took place against the backdrop of a “stream of consciousness” from Crimean collaborators about the supposed “worthlessness of the Olympics” and that “no one will go there.” Now, against this backdrop, the same Russian special services are threatening through “Sevastopol media” with terrorist attacks at the same Olympics.
However, now Russian propaganda is already glorifying by name every “neutral athlete” who managed to leak through the selection process of international sports federations and the International Olympic Committee (IOC). However, no Crimean residents have been identified among those who infiltrated.
Let us recall that our Association, in advance and repeatedly, after the first statements by the IOC about “neutral athletes” as a cover for aggressor’s “athletes”, wrote to international sports federations and the IOC, demanding that “athletes” not be allowed to participate in the Olympics and other international events, actively supported the attempted annexation of Crimea.
And now, promoting the usual version of “green grapes,” the aggressor’s propaganda quotes the occupiers’ criminal “minister of sports”, Olga Torubarova, that allegedly “five Crimean athletes who refused to go to the Olympic Games without the Russian flag will receive a million rubles each.”
Crimean gauleiter Sergei Aksyonov allegedly decided to give the money, suddenly announcing that “the region’s athletes decided to refuse to participate in the Olympic Games in Paris, and fully supported their decision.” At the same time, naturally, no one at the international level offered these individuals to go anywhere.
In this tragicomic plot, reminiscent of the ancient joke “I want to go to Paris again,” any reader has a simple question: probably, anyone could say that he “refuses the Olympics,” demanding a million for himself, and then how did they “take away ” anonymous “lucky five” who supposedly “could have potentially gone to the Olympics, but did not go.”
The secret here is simple: the mentioned “potential Olympians” are not just the personnel of the aggressor’s special services, but also those who are guaranteed not to complain after the pathetically promised million to them in fact “gets lost” somewhere.

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