On March 10, the talking head of the terrorist “Wagner” Yevgeny Prigozhin announced that he opened in 42 cities 58 criminal centers for the recruitment of mercenaries, “where new fighters will go”.

On this occasion, the so-called “Russian opposition” media “Verstka” (“Nimage”) conducted an “operational investigation” until the evening of the same day, in which it was established that these “centers” allegedly “have nothing to do with Prigozhin”, since the selection and “surrendering of standards” are terrorists on behalf of “Wagner”, they are organized in long-established fitness centers, martial arts clubs and shooting schools, where they act either as “area tenants” or as “one-time club partners”.

In particular, the example of the “Dynamo-Profi” training center from Ulyanovsk, created by the “Dynamo” sports society controlled by the aggressor’s Ministry of internal affairs, is given.

However, here “Verstka” revealed the “open secret”, since back on March 7 we wrote about the criminal “advertising” in the occupied Crimea regarding the “opening of representative offices” of the “Wagner” terrorist structure, which boiled down to the requirement to “put up a table and a chair, hang a flag, plant a man”, with a promise to pay for the “services of the club” through Prigozhin’s structures.

Thus, this sudden and convulsive terrorists’ activity regarding “tables, chairs and flags” was clearly timed to coincide with the next, current PR of Prigozhin himself, regarding the alleged creation of an “army with ideology” from “Wagner”, regardless of the real situation at the front, and in the invaders’ “deep rear”.

Characteristically, the criminal Sergei Aksyonov is also trying to “keep up” with this “Putin’s chef”, who, through a number of affiliated “Crimean media”, began to actively promote some semi-fake “Aksenov’s fighters”. To publicly thank the “wise Sergey Valeryevich” from the TV, who allegedly “arrives at the front and constantly communicates with the soldiers,” was entrusted to a certain terrorist with the speaking “call sign” “Yachshik” (“Box”).

Thus, it is obvious that the criminal leaders of Russian terrorists and their Crimean epigones are not so interested in what actually happens at the front but as their self-PR on this issue, dragging them deeper into the abyss of fakes.

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