As Crimean collaborators stated in December, the criminal “committee of the state council” “approved” the “candidacy for the post of commissioner for human rights” proposed by Sergei Aksyonov in the form of traitor to the homeland Alexander Shtehbart. Before the occupation, Stechbart held positions in the prosecutor’s office of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea and in March 2014, he was illegally “appointed” by his collaborators as “acting prosecutor of the Crimea,” however, literally for a few days, after which this criminal “position” was taken by the notorious Natalya Poklonskaya.

Stebhart himself further “came to light” in the role of a fake “assistant commissioner for human rights” under the previous “ombudsman” Larisa Opanasyuk, covering up the occupiers’ atrocities against persons located on the occupied peninsula in places of unfreedom. Opanasyuk herself became an illegal “ombudsman” in November 2019 and before that, for five years she was the criminal “deputy head of government” of the occupiers, where she “managed the apparatus of the council of ministers” while the same Aksyonov “combined” the criminal “posts” of the “head of Crimea” and “head of government”.

Among other things, we reported to the UN about the joint scam of Opanasyuk and Aksyonov with the theft of 133 million hryvnia, which were raised by the Autonomous Republic of Crimea in 2011 to implement an innovative environmental project in the field of collection and processing of solid household waste in the Simferopol region. This project has been blocked by Russian aggression since 2014 and, accordingly, was not implemented, and in 2017-2018, these collaborators carried out a combination of stealing funds in the form of “debt write-off.”

However, in October 2023, Opanasyuk died, and collaborators began to select a “candidate” for her “vacant” post since May. We wrote that earlier, namely in August, according to the same “procedure” Aksyonov “nominated” collaborator Irina Demetskaya to “ombudsmen”. Before the occupation, Demetskaya worked for ten years in various positions of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine in the Autonomous Republic of Crimea, then she cooperated with the aggressor and until 2020 “rose” to the rank of “acting head of the crimean department of the ministry of justice” of the occupiers.

We wrote that the “election of ombudsman” Demetskaya, who “became famous” in January 2015 in the criminal role of “deputy minister of justice” of the occupiers by declaring to a certain complainant that “I just want to take you and push you against the wall”, became a way for a competing group of collaborators to remove this “lawyer” from the “breadchair” to an obviously worthless and purely propaganda role. Now, as we see, this fool’s cap of the “official human rights defender” from the occupiers will be tried on by another collaborator.

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