As people write on social networks, in occupied Henichesk, local collaborator and former failed mayor Alexander Pinaev began to demand from the population to organize “cleaning of local areas”, for the maintenance of which two criminal “enterprises” of the invaders, the “municipal”, regularly demand bribes from the residents. “Horzhilstroy” with local collaborator Sergei Bubnov and the “state” “Management company “Tandem” with “director” from Volgograd Viktor Tkachenko.

Among other things, the “not yet working” “Tandem” has already become in the year of its criminal “registration” a “washing machine” for laundering millions, having “purchased” cars from the criminal Simferopol “Autogroup Crimea” and “security services” from the Moscow region “Alfa-Marathon-1,” and the most notable in its activities is the mentioned “director” Tkachenko, information about whose “labor career” the occupiers are hastily clearing from their “registers”.

However, it can be established that Tkachenko previously appeared in the same criminal “position” in a similar illegal “Management company “ZhilExpert” from occupied Simferopol, where he was “replaced” by Yuri Mashtaler, the “founder” of this “company” was stated to be Volgograd resident Konstantin Novovolokin, and he is also declared the “founder” of a similar Sevastopol “company” “Athena”.

It is Novovolokin’s previous Volgograd scams that were leaked to the Internet, starting in 2017, that allow us to judge the real beneficiaries of these “generals of garbage pits.” Then residents of a number of new buildings in Volgograd began to “complain to all authorities” after Novovolokin, who turned out to be an FSB officer, allegedly “former,” was imposed on them in the role of “management companies” of companies by both raider and purely gangster methods.

It is interesting that by a “wonderful coincidence” one of the then “gaskets” from Novovolokin was called “Tandem”, just like the current genetic “managers”. Control over the “Volgogradlift” company also gives Novovolokin and his FSB friends a comfortable life.

Novovolokin’s “family contract” came to occupied Crimea, among other things, after Volgograd resident Pavel Gishchenko, about whose “business projects” we have already written, became the criminal “head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs” of the occupiers in occupied Sevastopol. Now these “Volgograd utility workers” intend to criminally profit from the population of the occupied part of the Kherson region.

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