We have previously repeatedly described the criminal adventures of the “Simferopol chess player” Sergei Karyakin, who has long been covering up his “creative crisis” with the criminal role of a Kremlin propagandist. In September, we wrote that Karyakin was noted for driving cars for the needs of the aggressor army to the occupied regions of eastern Ukraine and another meeting with his criminal namesake, Sergei Aksyonov, also for “collecting and sending” criminal “aid” to the occupying soldiers.

Among other things, we wrote that the occupiers’ propaganda, including the “information administrators” of Aksyonov, call Karyakin a “world chess champion”, which he never was, losing to world champion Magnus Carlsen in the match for the title of world chess champion in 2016; it was noted that the other “victories” of the aggressor will be the same fakes as Karyakin’s “championship”.

Now, having no other reason to remind of his existence, the fake “champion” announced that in November he allegedly got into a “severe accident” in the Russia-occupied part of the Kherson Region, when “the car overturned several times,” and Karyakin himself “was behind steering wheel and avoided a head-on collision and broke several ribs”. Considering the media importance of Karyakin for the aggressor and the fact, that the described “incident” was kept silent for a month, there are two main options for events: either there was no accident at all, and the “grandmaster” decided to somehow explain his disappearance either by the injuries he received, or the aggressor’s military were the other party of this “high road gambit”.

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