As we reported earlier, despite all the aggressor’s propaganda efforts, the “day of the fleet” in occupied Sevastopol was met by the invaders in a very “cheerless” atmosphere for obvious reasons.
Suffice it to say that at least three Sevastopol hospitals are transferred by the occupiers to a “special mode of operation” and “accept for treatment’ only “wounded Russian military men”.
Also, all kinds of claps and other incidents have become a “new normal” for the occupiers of the main aggressor’s naval base.

Therefore, it is not surprising that instead of fake “ship parades”, the aggressor made a show with “Razvozhaev on a boats” filmed, however, with the criminal “governor” and his Simferopol illegal “colleague” Sergei Aksyonov in the far part of the Sevastopol Bay.

Trying to “decorate” this most gloomy plot of “communication of suicide bombers”, the propaganda TASS tried to describe a certain “excursion program” in the long-suffering “”Patriot” Park” with such an “unprecedented achievement” as a “pneumatic and light-noise shooting range”.

However, the Sevastopol residents themselves appreciated such a “large-scale” event in their own way, pointing out with sarcasm the deplorable state of the park, “lawns overgrown with weeds, equipment with flat tires, lack of toilets.”

Moreover, commentators in social networks focus on the problem of “little need”, which in the park a few “celebrating the day of the fleet” implemented “under the fences”, which, however, added a certain symbolism to that propaganda event.

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