As it was reported in the media and social networks on the night of July 17, explosions occurred on the illegal Crimean bridge, as a result of which the span of the highway on the structure was destroyed. The aggressor stopped the movement of vehicles on the structure.

The speaker of the Ukrainian military intelligence, Yusov, in a commentary, said that his department does not comment on the reasons for the events, indicating that “one can only quote the words of Kirill Budanov that the “Crimean Bridge” construction there is redundant”.

It is reported that the bus stations of the peninsula have already suspended illegal communication with Russia, while the illegal ferry across the Kerch Strait is now only for cars.

According to Ukrainian journalist Yuriy Butusov, the bridge “was erected illegally on the territory of Ukraine, is used for the transfer of occupying troops and is a legitimate military target. This seriously complicates the logistics of the Russian Nazis”.

The SBU commented on the event on the official Telegram channel as follows: “Nightingale, my brother, The bridge went to sleep again. Yes, once … Two! P.S. Music is folk. Words – SBU”.

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