As we already wrote, Russian invaders’ propaganda exploited in June, the illegal “inclusion” of two fake “Crimean football clubs”, “Rubin” from Yalta and “Sevastopol” to the “Second league of division B” of the Russian championship.

Now, as aggressor-controlled publics report, “there is neither promotion nor relegation in class” in the specified league for the “Crimean teams” and they “will never be able to participate in the Russian Cup, or break even into subgroup “A”, from where the first places get into the first place and there they fight for participation in the Premier league”.

At the same time, it is indicated that this was supposedly a kind of “compromise with UEFA”, but just on the eve of UEFA publicly denied such statements about the alleged involvement of the international federation in some “youth tournaments” in Volgograd, and therefore all references to this federation can only exist in the imagination of aggressor’s propagandists.

However, at the same time, the mentioned publics are also discussing the so called “financial issue”, since the mentioned “Sevastopol” asks the criminal “administration” of the occupiers to “increase the budget from 30 million rubles to 100”.

At the same time, the “private” Rubin, whose “president” is said to be collaborator Sergey Gardok, is “looking for sponsors” also, to “increase expenses” “from 15 million to 40”, also “to pay for expensive and long trips” to Russia.

Among other things, these figures are remarkable for the apparently different amounts of “kickbacks” for Sevastopol and Yalta football swindlers, the first of which are directly affiliated with the same criminal “administration”.

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