As we wrote the day before, after the clan of the criminal “Crimean speaker” Vladimir Konstantinov announced “hundreds of claims” to the Simferopol “arbitration court” regarding the “water blockade”, the occupiers organized “as many as” “three new statements of claim”, namely from the agricultural structure “Agromax”, as well as the Yalta hotel “Palmira Palace” and the hotel complex “Oreanda”. We have examined the specifics of the Russian beneficiary “Agromax” and its Crimean servants, and now it remains to consider the beneficiaries of the Yalta “hoteliers”, who by some miracle “suffered” from the “blocked North Crimean Canal”, which in principle has nothing common with Yalta.

The formal “founder” of “Palmira Palace”, as the “owner company” of the hotel of the same name in Yalta Kurpaty, is the “Palmira” company from the town of Dzerzhinsky near Moscow, and Nina Klestova is declared as its beneficiary. But back in 2015, the occupiers’ “media” wrote about the “founder of the Palmira Palace hotel” Maxim Ponomarenko, the son of Alexander Ponomarenko, the permanent general director of such an aggressor state enterprise with a billion-dollar turnover as Moscow’s “Mosvodokanal”

Therefore, it is not surprising that the mentioned Klestova is “only” the former wife of this “lord of the Moscow sewer system”. It is worth adding here that the business empire of Ponomarenko, who was once born in Dzhankoy, into which “Palmyra Palace” fell long before the occupation of the Crimea, is not limited to the peninsula, and we are not even talking about the mafia partnership “Fakel” from Gorki near Moscow, but about numerous European companies signed up for Klestova’s “replacement” in the “post of beloved wife” of Ponomarenko Sr., Lyubov Komissarenko, with whom the “king of Moscow feces” has at least two children in common.

It is Komissarenko who registered the “family” estates of the “Moscow plumbers” on the Cote d’Azur in France, namely in the village of La Colle Noire, as well as the elite residential complex “Le Saint Pierre” in Nice on Buffa Street, in both cases through the company “SCI Anastasia”. In addition, Komissarenko also has offices registered in Bratislava at Hvezdoslava Square, 20, through the company “KLP Development s.r.o.” and “Evanka s.r.o.” Thus, in the case of “Palmira-Palace”, as well as with “Agromax”, the Russian occupiers selected a “plaintiff” who was not only maximally dependent on the Russian special services, but also owned the mentioned Ukrainian business long before 2014, and had legal status at that time Russian citizen.

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