On May 18, “ForPost” “media”, controlled by the aggressor, announced, with reference to the Russia-controlled terrorist Pavel Gubarev, about the forthcoming creation in the occupied Sevastopol of a “branch” of the aggressor’s fake “opposition” structure, the “Club of angry patriots”.

This fake structure, which exists mainly in the statements of the terrorist Igor Strelkov and the same Gubarev, on the one hand, is a bluff from a group of Russian special services.

At the same time, we should not forget about the constant struggle between groups of invaders and collaborators from Simferopol, Sevastopol, Henichesk, Melitopol and Donetsk.

In this context, it is worth to recall the stormy conflict we described earlier between the wife of the founder of the “club”, Ekaterina Gubareva, declared in 2022 in the criminal role of a “minister” in the then Russia-occupied Kherson, and the forces behind the puppet criminal “governor” Vladimir Saldo.

Now, probably, the Gubarevs have found enemies of their enemies from Henichesk among the Sevastopol criminal “elite” and may try to use them to strike some kind of “retaliatory blow” against the beneficiaries of the criminal “nomadic government” of the Russian occupiers in the Kherson region.

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