The occupiers-controlled “media” once again posted pessimistic forecasts of Crimean illegal “developers”, for whom “something has gone wrong” since February 2022 and the “real estate transaction market” has fallen by more than half “relative to the pre-crisis period”.

At the same time, commenting on the growing promises of the aggressor that allegedly “the market will revive” the “cheap mortgage”, representatives of the “developers” state that those who still risk getting it are “invested” not in apartments or studios, but in land plots. Indeed, there is some logic here, since for this kind of “investment” all kinds of military risks are lower.

Also, the invaders-controlled “developers” state that in the conditions of ongoing large-scale hostilities “there will be only demand as needed. That is, only those who need to improve their living conditions or buy their first home will buy real estate. And this is absolutely limited demand, absolutely insignificant volume.”

At the same time, the “developers” openly admit that such “demand for need” concerns the Crimean residents themselves, and therefore it was not envisaged at all by their projects, which covered the so-called “investment housing” in the form of “studios”, as well as “business class housing”, designed for the criminal Russian “colonizers”, with their plans to rent it out for seasonal rent or their own permanent, and more often temporary residence.

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