According to the aggressor-controlled “media”, another 3 “memorial plaques” to the criminal “heroes” of Russian aggression were opened in Russia-occupied Simferopol.

At the same time, the criminal sponsor of the “race on the boards” we repeatedly mentioned was clearly named, it turned out to be a fake “member of the public chamber”, and a “businessman” Ibraim Shirin connected with the general criminal world.

It is stated that this figure, who has a painful craving for all kinds of “letters” and “medals”, as well as the criminal views of the Russia-occupied Henichesk District of the Kherson Region, allegedly has already “installed more than 200 memorial plaques in the Crimea”, although here, of course, it was not without the traditional “we put one, but three in the mind”.

On the other hand, it is noteworthy that the occupiers’ local criminal “administrations” regularly write off money in parallel on the same “boards”.

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