On March 30, the criminal “administration” of the Russian invaders in Sevastopol announced a “settlement agreement” with the fraudulent developer “Consol” controlled by the criminal “Crimean speaker” Vladimir Konstantinov regarding the long-suffering long-term construction on 4th Bastion Street.

The meaning of the “agreement”, which was announced by the criminal “department director” Alexander Ksenofontov, boils down to the fact that the swindlers from Konstantinov promised the criminal “administration” part of the apartments of the high-rise building, which the “Consol” was going to build even before the occupation.

It should be noted that at one time the building site was received by Konstantinov under the guise of “construction of a television and radio center of the Sevastopol State Television and Radio Company”, which then “disappeared somewhere”, but the real reasons for the delay are elsewhere.

The long-suffering unfinished building is located next to a dilapidated retaining wall, and it is obvious to everyone that in the event of the slightest seismic tremors, this “elite property” will become a mass grave under the soil.

Let us ecall that, as the occupiers were recently forced to admit, in fact, they do not have any effective system for monitoring and predicting earthquakes.

Even the criminal “Sevastopol administration” on this occasion was clearly “tormented by vague doubts” for some time, but the current prospect of scams with two dozen apartments “from the bounty” of Konstantinov “finally dispelled” them.

At the same time, in order not to “get up twice”, the scammers from the “Consol” as part of the planned construction will also destroy the small, but quite significant Sevastopol Arboretum along Gogol Street, founded back in 1955 and numbering 130 species of plants, but now criminally attributed by the occupiers to the “house adjoining territory” of the new building, including through fraud with fake “expertises”.

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