As has been repeatedly reported, in addition to criminal missile strikes on mainland Ukraine from the territory of the occupied Crimea and from the Black Sea, the aggressor launches missiles over the Caspian Sea from Tu-160 and Tu-95MS aircraft flying from Russian airfields.

Now, according to Zaur Gapizov, the “head of the Caspian Conservation Center”, more than 1.7 thousand carcasses of the Caspian seal, which is an endangered species and listed in the red books of the states of the region, in particular Kazakhstan, have been found on the coast of Dagestan in recent days. Gapizov said that some of the discovered corpses most likely died about two weeks ago and no diseases or poisoning were found in the carcasses.

As an expert of the Association, Professor Babin, writes on this occasion, “There are no cetaceans in the Caspian. Therefore, it is the seals that die from explosions on and in the water, they, like the Black Sea bottlenose dolphins and common dolphins, as explosions “muffle” their natural hydroacoustics. Therefore, they cannot move and feed normally in the water and die.”

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