As we already wrote in December 2022, the Russian invaders are criminally planning to “launder” “infrastructure funds” in the occupied Sevastopol, including using the illegal and fake “unitary enterprise” “Sevastopolgaz”.

In particular, we are talking about the project of an illegal gas pipeline along the bottom of the Sevastopol Bay, the criminal “contract” about which with the “Beltruboprovodstroy” company was mentioned at the end of 2022 in some so-called “Sevastopol media”.

Since any activities of the Belarusian concern in Sevastopol promised by the Russian occupiers are obviously illegal, our Association promptly sent a number of reasoned appeals on this matter to the authorized structures of different jurisdictions, which will soon clearly “pleasantly surprise” the persons, involved in the scam with the criminal pipeline.

In the meantime, we note that in response to our appeal, we have already received official assurances from the German concern “Herrenknecht”, which promised us to comply with the “Crimean” sanctions established by Germany and the European Union, in particular, by resolutions 833/2014 and 692/2014.

This was worth a special mention, since the equipment and technologies of the “Beltruboprovodstroy” company, namely the Direct Pipe method (straight pipe) and the AVN2000AB tunnel boring complex, used by it for laying various gas pipelines, including individual elements of the “Turk Stream”, are naturally European, and precisely from “Herrenknecht”.

Of course, assurances of compliance with sanctions are good, but not enough. However, something tells us that no one will be able to hide European technologies and equipment when attempting laying illegal pipelines in occupied Sevastopol, and respected German entrepreneurs are well aware of this.

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