In the first days of 2023, the number of actions to hold the aggressor accountable for international crimes and other gross violations has increased on international platforms.

In particular, on January 25, the announcement of the decision of the European Court of Human Rights regarding the occupation by Russia the Donbass in 2014 was announced, and at the beginning of February, a conference of ministers of justice in London was announced to support the investigation by the International Criminal Court of war crimes of the Russian Federation in Ukraine.

Also, a statement by reputable lawyers on the creation of a special tribunal regarding Russian aggression was recently made public, and now the Ukrainian Foreign Ministry announced the February discussion of the creation of this tribunal by the General Assembly.

It is predictable that as part of a certain “reaction” to these irreversible processes, the Kremlin’s Crimean puppets once again “remembered” a certain “long-suffering lawsuit”, in which they would allegedly “recover damages from Ukraine”.

Previously, the occupants’ propaganda claimed that in March 2022, a fictitious “damage assessment working group” handed over a “prepared claim for 152 billion rubles” to the illegal “republican government”. Further, on November 29, the criminal “Crimean speaker” Vladimir Konstantinov stated that this fake “lawsuit” “is “technically impossible to file while the special operation is underway”.

But now, the same Konstantinov suddenly “changed his mind”. Briefly breaking away from his favorite topic of “European hermaphrodite factories”, and, however, not forgetting to criminally declare that he was allegedly “trembling in anticipation of the inevitable end”, the criminal “speaker” announced that some kind of fake “claim” would be “filed” somewhere.

At the same time, the Russian occupiers decided “not to waste time on trifles”, and on “as many as 18 pages” they promised to set out not only the supposedly “troubles and hardships” from 2014 to 2022, but also the consequences of the “explosions” on the illegal “Crimean Bridge”, as well as some “damage”, allegedly “received by Crimea” since 1991.

As the information resource “Visegrád 24” pointed out on this occasion, “what then will be the bill that Ukraine will put up for Russia”? Among other things, it is obvious that only the direct damage inflicted by units of the aggressor’s army, including the Black Sea Fleet, on mainland Ukraine, as well as the ecology and social resources of the occupied Crimea, is already measured in amounts exceeding any aggressor’s “budgets”.

It is obvious that any “decisions’ of the occupiers’ fake “court”, no matter what is stated in them, will not have any meaning by definition. But the performers of this “show with lawsuits” themselves will still have enough opportunities for personal communication with Ukrainian and international courts.

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