The expert of our Association, Professor Borys Babin, at the invitation of the University of Paris Nanterre, personally participated in the conference “War in Ukraine, the Challenge of Legal Normality”, held by the Faculty of Law and Political Sciences of the mentioned alma mater Emmanuel Macron, Dominique De Villepin, Christine Lagarde and Anne Hidalgo.

In his report and as part of his discussion with his French colleagues, Professor Babin touched upon aspects of the experience of pending cases of victims of Russian aggression in international courts.
At the same time, the prospects for the participation of France and French structures in cases against Russia in a number of jurisdictions, in particular in the European Court of Human Rights and the International Court of Justice, were discussed, and the current situation in the International Criminal Court and in international arbitrations was also the subject of analysis.

Deep knowledge of the legal aspects of both Russian aggression in general and the occupation of Crimea in particular, demonstrated at the conference by professors from the University of Paris Nanterre, such as Marjolaine Roccati, Aurore Chaigneau and Anne-Laure Chaumette, is worthy of special mention.

The expert’s personal participation in the conference made possible to discuss a wide range of issues with French colleagues on its sidelines, including the prospects for a new Conference on Security and Cooperation in Europe, practical mechanisms for ascertaining the illegality of the Russia’s presence in the UN, aspects of the international qualification of maritime aggression, terrorist financing, as well as ecocide.

As part of the discussions, questions were also raised about the mechanisms of legal liability, including criminal and material, for pro-Russian French figures for their public support of war crimes and aggression against Ukraine committed by Russia-controlled persons. Cooperation of scientists, who are experts of our Association, with French colleagues will be continued.

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