Some days ago, the occupiers published a tragicomic “discussion” between a set of Crimean collaborators regarding the criminal “strengthening of patriotic education” of Crimeans. The reasons for these “brainstorms” are not directly stated by the aggressor’s propaganda, but they are obvious to the population.
Despite the fact that “brainwashing” on the peninsula has acquired a total character, among other things, replacing the remnants of the “educational process” for young people, the “further growth of Russian patriotism” so desired by the Kremlin is not observed in the Crimea.
It is not surprising that the parties to the current “discussion” have traditionally blamed anyone other than “their loved ones” for these “shortcomings and omissions”.
The protégé of the criminal Sergei Aksyonov and the muppet of the ethnic criminal group involved in human and drug trafficking, the criminal “deputy head of the youth policy committee” Any Hrihoryan, traditionally “everything is fine,” with the statement that Crimean youth supposedly “no longer have any questions” in the face of Russian terror.
But the “client” from Aksyonov’s “worst friend,” the criminal “speaker” Vladimir Konstantinov, the fake “deputy” and “director of the Consol gymnasium” Larisa Georgiadi, in defiance of her “beloved friend”, began to “expose certain shortcomings”.
Naturally, having “become famous” a year ago for organizing the dismantling of machine guns by first-graders and even preschoolers, Georgiadi said that “everything is in order” with the criminal “patriotic education” of schoolchildren, but at the same time she furiously demanded additional “brainwashing” for “university students, and especially educational institutions of secondary specialized education”.
Her criminal “colleague on the State Council”, the thieving “vice-rector” of the fake “Crimean federal university” Sergei Dodonov, reacted vividly to this, declaring that “everything is fine” with the students, and he suggested looking for the main “underwashed” brains among “people” of older age,” “who today are conditionally plus or minus 35”.
At this rate of “search for problems,” collaborators will soon reach pensioners, but in the meantime, the criminal “educational authorities” are hastily forced to “liberalize” the “unified graduation exam”, including such subjects as mathematics, “non-priority” in the current conditions for school graduates, since in the conditions of “increasing teaching of patriotism,” school knowledge predictably became a “weak link”.

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