After the introduction in the 13th sanctions package of the European Union of sanctions restrictions against a number of Crimean collaborators, including the same “head of administration” of Yevpatoria Elena Demidova, as well as the “children’s ombudsmen” of Crimea and Sevastopol, Irina Klyueva and Marina Peschanskaya, the most consistent hysteria of aggressor’s propaganda for the last three days are observed specifically in relation to Peschanskaya.

The direct interest in the Sevastopol “Kinder-Ombudsman” from the Russian special services is quite obvious, since the “Donetsk teacher” who once moved to Sevastopol, last taught lessons in 2008, then appeared in a certain “people’s control” structure, extremely hidden from prying eyes. Since the beginning of the occupation, Peschanskaya’s subversive work was “rewarded” by the Russian invaders with roles in the field of “licensing management companies”, “urban planning council” and the public chamber,” but in 2016 her functionality was reduced to a “children’s issue”

In 2021, Peschanskaya participated in an unsightly farce from Russian military intelligence with a “visit to Sevastopol of a Nicaraguan delegation,” whose role was played by a student from Kazan and such a “Nicaraguan” as “chairman of the coordinating council of organizations of Russian compatriots in Nicaragua” Natalya Golovina. At the same time, Peschanskaya intimidated Sevastopol children with the consequences of their participation in “unauthorized rallies” in support of Alexei Navalny.

After the start of the large-scale invasion, Peschanskaya, reporting to the criminal Maria Lvova-Belova, began to actively engage in the deportation of Ukrainian children, not forgetting to publicly intimidate Sevastopol schoolchildren about “what kind of responsibility is provided for the dissemination of false information” about Russian aggression. In October 2022, Peschanskaya criminally contributed to “solving the problems of guardianship” of persons “with Russian citizenship” over deported children with Ukrainian documents.

In November of the same year, Peschanskaya sent “psychologists” to Ukrainian-speaking deported children, publicly emphasizing her criminal, racist attitude towards them as “inferior” and participated in pressure on parents who did not want to send their children to Sevastopol “schools” for aggressor’s brainwashing. Peschanskaya also insisted on the criminal “need” for special pressure on deported children from the Zaporizhzhya and Kherson regions in December 2023, admitting her work for the aggressor’s special services in “identifying” children “raised in hatred of Russia,” and it is obvious that the consequences of such identification “ re-education” were not limited to.

In addition to the criminal deportation, including the transfer of children from a Melitopol boarding school to Sevastopol, Peschanskaya predictably “noted herself” in organizing “help for the front by the children of Sevastopol” and in training schoolchildren to become drone operators, as new cannon fodder for the aggressor. The aggressor’s hysteria regarding Peschanskaya is understandable – she knows too much about criminal deportation, including the role of Lvova-Belova, where the matter will not be limited to sanctions, and therefore it is possible that soon the aggressor’s special services will help her “shut up forever”.

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