On October 13, the fake “supreme court” of the occupiers in the Crimea completed the “review of the verdict of the Central District Court of Simferopol”, which “sentenced” Oleg Korshunov to 16 years, the former deputy director of the Russian Federal Penitentiary Service, and his accomplices in the form of “the head of a construction organization, as well as the head of a construction enterprise in the federal service” received much shorter “terms”.

The subject of the “case” was “the theft of funds during the construction of a pre-trial detention center in Simferopol” where at least 94 million rubles “evaporated” from a total amount of 190 million. We were talking about the events in 2015-2017 when Korshunov laundered this rather “modest amount” with the mentioned “supervisor of SU-23” Valery Kaklyugin and the “Unistroy” company of the Moscow group of Maya Gagua and Andrey Uglanov.

However, the demonstrative arrest of Korshunov, who had fallen out of favor, was connected with the struggle of the aggressor’s “security forces” groups, and in addition to the “Simferopol millions,” he was charged with a bunch of “interesting things”, including “fraud in the execution of contracts for the purchase of shoes”, “embezzlement in the purchase of sugar and fuel and lubricant materials” and so on for “six criminal cases”; so now Korshunov has been “serving his previous sentences” for a long time. At the same time, during the subsequent construction by the occupiers of a new criminal “pre-trial detention center” in Simferopol, at least 8 billion rubles were laundered through construction in Kabardino-Balkaria, but naturally no one there started any high-profile “criminal cases” in this regard.

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