As it follows from the “official indicators” published by the illegal “Krymstat”, on the occupied peninsula since 2015 the “average price increase” allegedly ranged from 50 to 100%. At the same time, and against this background of “smoothed out” indicators, canned fish and meat have risen in price by 5 or more times, the infamous chicken eggs have increased in price by 2.5 times, and cigarettes have approximately tripled in price.

What was most “surprising” here was the increased prices for trolleybus travel, almost fourfold, and this “special humanism”, even in comparison with the “only doubled” prices for minibuses and buses, is easily explained by the “special relationship” of the current “management” of “Krymtrolleybus” personally with Sergei Aksyonov.

At the same time, neither analgin, which has increased in price by 240%, nor corvalol and aspirin, which have risen in price by 165%, will help Crimean residents from rising prices. However, coffins for the population of the peninsula have risen in price a little less, from 3 thousand to 7.4 thousand rubles, and how innocently the occupation “press” admits, due to “a noticeable increase in prices in 2023”. “For some reason” the obvious reason for the increased demand for this “final product” is not mentioned by either “Krymstat” or by the pointed “media”.

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