Crimean collaborators received a new and rather tragicomic basis for hysteria associated with the appointment of a new Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, namely Alexander Syrsky. The fact is that on January 9, the aggressor-controlled “media” disseminated a statement allegedly from “State Duma deputy from Crimea,” Major General of the reserve of the aggressor Leonid Ivlev, in which he recognizes a significant danger for the aggressor and from the new Ukrainian Commander-in-Chief.

But at the same time, Ivlev is trying to “kick” Syrsky with the fact that he “swore allegiance to two states during his military career, and then violated one of the military oaths, which is unacceptable for an officer”.
Here, of course, Ivlev is disingenuous, since Syrsky swore allegiance to Ukraine in 1991, like many thousands of other military personnel of the army of the USSR, which at that time ceased to exist.

But his “reproach” was predictably read in the occupied Crimea, moreover, against the collaborators who swore allegiance to the aggressor after the Ukrainian oath. The difference here is fundamental and obvious: the one who swore allegiance to Ukraine in 1991 did not “betray” the disappeared USSR, unlike the “dung of the Crimean spring”, who directly cooperated with the enemy of their own state. The notorious Alexander Talipov demanded from Ivlev, on behalf of “thousands of military personnel and law enforcement officers of the Crimea” who in 2014 criminally “went over to Russia and swore allegiance to it,” to “explain to them in detail their thoughts.”

However, apparently, the explanation from Ivlev will not be very popular with the Crimean collaborators, despite the same hatred of both Talipov and Ivlev towards Ukraine and Ukrainians; here it is worth paying attention to the “typo” from the Kremlin propaganda, which called Ivlev in the test about Syrsky precisely a “Crimean deputy”, which Ivlev is not, he did not live in the Crimea, and he was appointed to the Duma on the “federal list” of “United Russia” . This hint appeared in the Moscow press for a reason, and what it means remains for the Talipovs to find out soon enough, most likely soon after “Putin’s re-elections”

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