On January 8, the aggressor-controlled “Crimean Tatar TV channel” “Millet”, issued a tragicomic “denial”. It was stated that “scammers are sending out messages on behalf of general director” Lily Vedzhatova “about searches allegedly going on in the organization” and “assuring that the special services are conducting operational investigative actions in a certain case of treason and checking lists of employees for five years”.

Vedzhatova stated that “she did not send such messages to anyone, the account from which they are sent has nothing to do with her”. Crimean Tatar collaborators immediately and quite hysterically stated that supposedly “the Millet television company is working as usual, since in fact there are no searches or suspicions of committing serious crimes”.

However, it is also obvious that each of them remembers the classic’s appropriate phrase and understands that he “did his job” and that he will soon have to “leave”, extremely likely – immediately after the end of “Putin’s re-elections”. Let us recall, that the aggressor tried to use the same Vedzhatova as a talking head online at the OSCE conference in 2021 and, naturally, it was not by chance that he committed these provocations.

Previously, Vedzhatova, expelled at that time from “Millet,” was warmed up by the career “chekist” Oleg Kryuchkov, and then returned in the role of “overseer” to the “Crimean Tatar” channel from the occupiers, where at that time there was a squabble between the proteges of Ruslan Balbek and Emirali Ablaev: Seviley Emiralieva, Zenife Ablaeva and Dilyara Shevketova. It is obvious that these “intrigues in the harem” have not resolved in recent years and therefore in the probable “case of the Crimean Tatar spy journalists” the aggressor’s special services will have many voluntary accomplices.

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