As aggressor-controlled media wrote on February 6, the aggressor’s state corporation “Rostec” asked the Kremlin dictator to “give up the construction of a new generation” of power plants “in Crimea and Taman with a total capacity of 1 gigawatt without competition”. We are talking about “existing sites” of the same Rostec, including the illegal “Tavricheskaya” thermal power plant near Simferopol, and it is designed for 2027–2028.

It is reported that the “total capital costs” for construction could amount to 225–263 billion rubles, including up to 65 billion for “Tavricheskaya”, and the current “leakage” has a prosaic reason: the dispute between the Kremlin factions is about who will supply turbines for new thermal power plants running on gas.

It is indicated that Rostec promises to use either “GTD-110M” gas turbines of “its own production” or turbines from “Iranian suppliers” from the “Mapna” concern, which already purchased two turbines for the “Udarnaya” thermal power plant in Taman in 2019. At the same time, the Ministry of industry and trade of Russia “insists on building capacities entirely on Russian technologies, proposing to also consider gas turbines from “Power Machines””. This aggressor’s project, which directly relates to the energy supply for the subsequent militarization of the Crimea, is planned to begin by the end of 2024, and its main “weak point” should be considered the supply of “blue fuel” to illegal power plants.

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