As has been repeatedly reported earlier, since the summer of 2022, the aggressor has been criminally trying to actively export the population from the occupied part of the Kherson Region, including to the occupied peninsula.

At the same time, as part of the relevant propaganda, the deported and displaced persons were promised by aggressor, among other things, “the preservation of jobs”, but with the criminal “registration of Russian documents” and direct collaboration with the aggressor.

However, for these persons who went to illegal cooperation with the Russian occupiers, the aggressor government prepared a “good New Year’s gift” in the form of “decree of the government of the Russian Federation dated December 31, 2022 No. 2571”.

This fake act criminally declares “peculiarities of the application of the labor legislation of the Russian Federation” in the occupied territories of mainland Ukraine and, among other things, it announces the “dismissal of all evacuees” by “suspension of the employment contract until the end of the evacuation.”

After the “process envisaged by the resolution” gained momentum, decadent moods of such “dismissed evacuated” collaborators, whom the aggressor left without the promised “Russian support”, are noted in the occupied Crimea.

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