As it was previously reported, two new tangible problems emerged in the occupied Crimea at the beginning of 2023: a shortage of certain grades of gasoline and a lack of medicines in pharmacies.
And if the problem of fuel is not a matter of “life and death”, then with medicines everything is much worse, and, moreover, it is much more difficult to attribute their absence to supposedly “problems with the crossing”.

At the same time, the criminal “authority”, which previously pretended that supposedly “everything is in order”, is now forced to admit both problems, albeit in their characteristic “half-truth” style.
The criminal “First deputy minister of transport” of the invaders, Nikolai Lukashenko, said that the shortage of gasoline arose due to the “suspension of work” of an illegal ferry crossing in the Kerch Strait, stating that “such situations can arise”.

Also, the fake “press service” of the criminal occupiers’ “Ministry of health” announced an alleged “some shortage of imported drugs”, which sounds rather strange, given at least the fact that since 2014, the pharmacies of the occupied peninsula have been illegally saturated with low-quality Russian-made drugs.

At the same time, the criminal “ministry” tried to “direct attention” to the criminal fake “state unitary enterprise” “Krym-Farmatzia” (“Crimea Pharmacy”), allegedly “responsible for the assortment”.

It should be noted that this corrupt and “nothing-deciding” laying of the Crimean “officials” has already replaced twelve “directors” since 2014 and is quite a “small fish” even for the punishers of the occupiers.

It is noteworthy that these issues, as well as a number of more “minor facts” such as the development of Pionersky and Godlevsky parks in Alupka, given the mentioned “confessions”, can “emerge” as the “foundation” of some kind of “dismissal” or “serious problems” of one of the Crimean collaborators.

Obviously, the Kremlin, understanding both the collapse of the “Crimean economy”, and the “crisis of governance”, and the gradual detachment of its “Crimean talking heads” from reality into the world of “Satanists” and “hermaphrodite factories”, may try to undertake a “demonstrative execution” of a certain “goat absolution” to demonstrate supposedly “control of the situation”.

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