As it was reported on social networks, the criminal “adviser” of the Melitopol Gauleiter Yevgen Balitsky, the former Minister of Education of Ukraine under Yanukovych Dmitry Tabachnik, took control of the House of Culture in the occupied Energodar, located on Stroiteley Avenue. This scam was carried out through the illegal “Agrofirm “Solex””, “registered” in the village of Pobedne (Tarkhanlar) not far from Dzhankoy. Previously, journalists published Tabachnik’s leaked correspondence, in which he called “Solex” as his own.

Let us note that the formal “main founder” of “Solex” is Olga Zalesskaya, and that the character with the same data is declared to be the director of the Moscow company “Neftebazis”, created 6 years ago, with multimillion-dollar turnover. Moreover, in October 2023, this company “suddenly” received from the occupiers’ criminal “Ministry of ecology and natural eesources” a “license” for “geological study and extraction of groundwater” on the occupied peninsula, both drinking and technological.

Let us note that before Zalesskaya, Natalya Stepanenko was listed in “Neftebazis”, whose “full namesake” has established three illegal “firms” in occupied Simferopol, namely “Persey” for the production of confectionery products, “Fregat” as a “private security company” and “Istok” in the restaurant business. With such a “diversified approach” of Tabachnyk’s collaborator to building his business empire, it will no longer be surprising that the minority founder of that same “Solex”, Ruslan Zalessky, acquired a share in the Dzhankoy “company” “Novator”, which became the “largest producer of dairy products” in the occupied Crimea and, among other things, producing milk powder for the needs of the aggressor.

“Novator”, among other things, “by a strange coincidence” is heavily “credited” through the criminal bank of the occupiers “RNKB”, and here its obvious beneficiary is hidden through the company “Bazis-Moscow” and the same Zalessky family, including Ruslan Zalessky’s brother, Gennady. Previously, we wrote that in addition to the “hidden” companies, Dmitry Tabachnik personally “registered” his “Agrostandart” in the occupied Crimea for “real estate management” and “rental of equipment”, and before the large-scale aggression he was noted in the 2021 scams with the “Priboy” recreation center in Koktebel through his Moscow companies, also associated with Natalya Korolevskaya and Nikolai Azarov.

Also in 2022, Tabachnik’s “construction business” was found in the Crimea in the illegal structures “Tavrida-Center” and “Liel-FM”, together with local “businessman” Vladimir Amatuni, who “headed” the previously criminal “Crimean Federation of Veterans of Anti-Terrorism Units “Alpha””.

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