The criminal “chairman of the council of ministers” of the occupiers, Yuriy Gotsanyuk, stated on August 31 that allegedly “the harvest of grain and leguminous crops in Crimea this year amounted to almost 2.3 million tons, which is an absolute record for the region”; at the same time, he called the criminal “federal support for the agro-industrial complex of the republic” the “incentive for the record.”

It should be noted that before the large-scale Russian aggression, namely in 2021, the invaders called the harvest figures of 1.47 million tons of grain and leguminous crops, and in 2022 they boasted of a “record” of 2.1 million tons. Then we stated that a significant part of this figure was the volume of captured crops in the mainland occupied south of Ukraine.

Now it is obvious that the situation is repeating itself and part of the mainland crop “emerges” on the occupied peninsula, which, among other things, becomes the subject of a fierce behind-the-scenes struggle between the criminal “governments” in Simferopol, Henichesk and Melitopol. Among other things, such a scheme also contributes to the laundering by criminal Crimean “officials” of the funds of the mentioned “federal support” on fake “Crimean grain”,

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