According to aggressor-controlled “media”, on November 22, 78-year-old Pyotr Nidzelsky, the former Russia’s deputy minister of energy, was detained in Moscow in a “case of particularly large-scale fraud.”
Nidzelsky left his position back in 2004, after which millions of dollars appeared in the accounts in the Swiss bank HSBC associated with him and his wife Lydia Nidzelskaya, and he then became the subject of journalistic investigations, including Le Monde.

In 2015, it was written that Nidzelsky was listed as the beneficiary of the liquidated English company “Forehold Limited”, on the accounts of which, together with Lydia Nidzelskaya’s company “Finahold Limited”, these funds were transferred. Around the same time, in the occupied Crimea, the “Southern Energy Company”, associated with Nidzelsky, became the “owner of 63% of the shares” of the illegal company “Krymteploelektrotsentral” (“KrymTETs”), the other “shares” of which “were owned by the Crimean government.”

The illegal “KrymTETs” was replaced by the occupiers who criminally “nationalized” in 2014 the Simferopol and Kamysh-Burun thermal power plants, the Saki combined-cycle thermal power plant, as well as the “Saki thermal networks”. Now the aggressor claims that Nidzelsky in 2020 “falsified an expert opinion on the unprofitability” of “KrymTETs”, after which the “government” shares “were sold for an amount of 150 million rubles instead of the real market price of 1.1 billion rubles.”

“Moscow media” also writes that allegedly “testimony against the ex-deputy head of the Ministry of Energy could have been given” by the fake “general director” of “KrymTETs” Taras Tsely, who has long been associated with this structure. The motivation for the current case and the associated house arrest of Nidzelsky is obvious: the elderly “investor in the Crimean energy sector” is obviously being extremely persistently persuaded to “transfer the shares to more reliable hands”.

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