On April 23, the occupiers’ propaganda began to declare that the “Sevastopol IT company” “Millennium” would criminally “launch” an illegal “information system for planning and executing municipal tasks” in the Russia-occupied mainland territories of Ukraine.

At the same time, “millennials” are going to “productively master” the “grant” from the so-called “federal project “Digital Technologies”” in the amount of 4 million rubles. In fact, we are talking about the criminal “integration” of illegal “ministries of finance” from Russia-occupied Donetsk and Henichesk “into the accounting and tax system of the Russian Federation”.

The illegal company “Millennium” was “registered” by the occupiers in 2021, with the head Sergey Dmitrichenko, and a fake “support center for state institutions” was immediately opened on its base, which, as the “millennials” say, illegally leads “more than 70 new large institutions” of the aggressor, “bringing all their accounting in order”.

There is little information in open sources about the founders of this project, obviously controlled by the Russian special services, declaring, among other things, about “close cooperation” with the illegal “Sevastopol state university”. At the same time, it is worth noting that the “full namesake” of the Sevastopol “millennial”, Sergey Dmitrichenko, is the founder of the Moscow recruiting agency in the field of IT technologies “GMS” and the co-founder of the platform for searching for engineers “Amazing Hiring”.

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