Three months ago we wrote about the activation of the henchmen of the criminal “governor” of Sevastopol Mikhail Razvozhaev to “clean up” the occupied city from the remnants of the “business interests” of his equally criminal “predecessor”, Dmitry Ovsyannikov, from whom EU sanctions were lifted, and who received the form for residence in Cyprus.

It was the “urban heritage” of the Russian VIP spy that worried the “new Sevastopol authorities”. In particular, they were talking about the planned demolition in the interests of “entrepreneurs” close to Razvozhaev of the “Seavas” restaurant, located in Artillery Bay and squeezed out by Ovsyannikov in 2017, the “owner” of which is the father of the “ex-governor” Vladimir Ovsyannikov.

“Court papers” for the recovery of previously stolen goods were then drawn up by the fake “head of the department of judicial and claims work” of the occupation criminal “government” Sergei Smirnov. However, on October 1, the occupiers-controlled “media” sparingly reported about the “sudden death” of this “honored lawyer of Sevastopol” while “modestly keeping silent” about its real circumstances.

At the same time, timid assumptions are being made in the city: which other of the “offenders” of the “European-integrated ex-governor” from Russian intelligence Ovsyannikov will die suddenly next.

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