We previously covered the occupiers’ propaganda scam associated with the “issuance of land” to the “Crimean” soldiers of the aggressor. In social networks, it was indicated that within the framework of scams with land plots for criminal “veterans” of Russian aggression, “almost half of the plots were held back at the planning stage”. Our Association also covered the machinations of the aggressor with these sites near the village of Polyushko to the north of Sevastopol, as well as in the Saki district.

Further, the occupiers predictably announced the “expansion of the list of “ beneficiaries” and stated that “land can be received” by such “veterans” as the “command of military units”, “heads of territorial bodies” of the aggressor’s punishers, “command of volunteer formations”, that is, all kinds of terrorist “Cossacks”, “battalions” and so on. In the occupied Sevastopol, the occupiers intend to “give out” five hundred “sites” for 5,000 “willing” ones, which makes the “queue issue” as “saturated” as possible.

Now the “mere cannon fodder” of the aggressor has begun to understand that the “prospects for obtaining plots” even in the aforementioned rather specific areas for them tend to zero.

And due to the corresponding hysteria, the criminal “governor” Razvozhaev said that on the website of the fake “government” “a banner link will appear” with “answers to frequently asked questions”, but otherwise the invaders traditionally “wish health and good mood” to relatives of the Sevastopol “cargo 200” since they will “distribute” the “plots” to completely different persons.

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