As our Association has written more than once, the main Crimean collaborators, Vladimir Konstantinov and Sergey Aksyonov, unlike the heads of the regions of Russia itself, regularly earned “extra fee” for the Kremlin as “talking heads” even before February 2022, reminding rather not of “governors and speakers”, but talk show characters from “Russia-24”.

In the current conditions of large-scale Russian aggression, the “degree” of the criminal statements of these characters and their “globalness” gradually increased. This can be explained by the painful attention to the “sacred” peninsula in the Kremlin, and the increased urgency of the de-occupation of the peninsula, to which the collaborators are forced to “actively respond publicly”.

However, in their Ukrainophobia, in their calls to commit terrorist acts and genocide of the Ukrainian people, both Konstantinov and Aksyonov have already reached a certain criminal “ceiling”, when they and their “support services” are already physically unable to generate any new “in content” anti-Ukrainian statements.

At the same time, if in the spring or summer of 2022, at least the aggressor’s propagandists still reacted to certain criminal “political” theses of the “head and speaker” of Crimea and tried to “discuss and interpret” them somehow, now they are being broadcast by the “media” controlled by the Russian invaders exclusively “no comment”, which in itself is symptomatic.

However, in Russia-occupied Simferopol now no one is going to “stop at what has been achieved” and gradually the aggressor’s “talking heads” are “moving to a new level”. For example, at the “meeting” of the fake occupiers’ “presidium of the state council”, held in November by the same Konstantinov, the issue of nothing more and nothing less than the creation of a “new global financial system” and the fact that “the hegemony of the dollar in the world is coming to an end” was discussed for a long time and seriously.

Whether the “fateful decisions of the presidium” will affect at least the choice of the currency in which corruption is carried out among the “Crimean deputies” is still unknown. But this did not stop Konstantinov, together with the infamous Georgy Muradov, from also holding another criminal show in Simferopol called “Crimea in the modern international context: the Azov-Black Sea region and the ne geopolitical reality”.

From the “international” at this “conference”, only a “friend of the collaborators” from Yerevan on a Russian salary, Hayk Babukhanyan was once again noticed, who previously called for “bombing Ankara” and now trying to “overthrow Pashinyan” with Gazprom funding.

However, this did not prevent Konstantinov and Muradov from talking about the “new world order”, which is obviously being created by “they themselves”, and right in Simferopol, and also from again promising the “imminent collapse of American imperialism”, in the “best traditions” of the communist congresses of the USSR in recent years his existence.

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