The oral hearings finished on June, 14 in International Court of Justice in case of Russia’s violation the International Convention for the Suppression of the Financing of Terrorism and of the International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination, initiated by Ukraine in 2016, and later ICJ will make decision in this case.

Ukraine demanded in ICJ, in its final position, aggressor state to take all practicable measures to prevent the commission of terrorism financing offenses in Ukraine, including in the areas of Russia’s attepted annexation, to freeze or seize assets of persons suspected of supplying funds to groups engaged in terrorism in Ukraine, and cause the forfeiture of assets of persons found to have supplied funds to such groups.

Ukraine also demanded in ICJ to assure to all residents of occupied Crimea effective protection and remedies against acts of racial discrimination, and to restore the Mejlis’ activities in Crimea and its members and all their rights, including their properties, retroactive elimination of all “Russian administrative and other measures” contrary to the Court’s Order and release of members of Mejlis currently in jail.

Ukraine demand Russia to pay Ukraine financial compensation and moral damages, in its own right and as parens patriae for Ukrainian citizens, for the harm Ukraine has suffered as a result of Russia’s violations, with such compensation to be quantified in a separate phase of these proceedings, after ICJ’s decision on the merits.

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