On June 14, the Russian occupiers’ propaganda announced the “delegation” of its “talking head” from Melitopol, Vladimir Rogov, to the Civic chamber of Russia.

In addition, it was announced about the “expansion of the work” of the criminal “civic chamber” in Melitopol itself, where Berdyansk collaborator, former teacher Katerina Stepanyuk, who was noted last year by surrendering her colleagues to the occupiers’ punishers, as declared as “head” and her “deputies” were “appointed” from Russian colonialists: Anton Bibarov-Gosudarev, from Tambov and Sergei Korabelnikov from Omsk.

In this context, it is worth pointing out not only yesterday’s fire in the very Russian Civic chamber’s apartments on Moscow’s Miusskaya Square, but also the ongoing criminal activity in Melitopol of the Siberian PR man Sergey Tolmachev, “transferred” there from Sevastopol, who is engaged in precisely such propaganda things as the aforementioned “civic chamber”.

Apparently, it was precisely at the “persistent requests” of Tolmachev and his curators that the occupiers decided to “remove” Rogov “with a promotion to Moscow.”

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