On May 29, the occupiers’ propaganda “media” “ForPost” in Sevastopol decided to report on the fake “litigation”, initiated by the illegal “department for property and land relations” against “Ukrposhta”, regarding the “collection of debt from the Ukrainian company under the lease agreement”, for the “requirements” about 55 thousand rubles, of which the rent “is …13,921 rubles 86 kopecks, that is, …one and a half thousand rubles a year”.

The aggressor’s propagandists explained the “claim” by the fact that the criminal “government” allegedly receives “instructions from the prosecutor’s office” on the “collection of debts” and that such “trials” are supposedly a way to “write off” the debt and satisfy the “representation of the prosecutor’s office”. However, in addition to such illegal “formalities”, another, more “pragmatic” approach of the thievish “officials” of the aggressor is also possible here.

We managed to find a fake “decision” of the same illegal “arbitration court of Sevastopol” in 2018, when the same criminal “department” tried to “sue” “rent debt” from “Ukrposhta”, as well as the premises itself on Raenko Street, 6 in occupied Inkerman.

That “high-profile trial” ended in nothing, since the “Ukrposhta” branch at this address was not only seized by the invaders in 2014 for the fake “municipal enterprise” “Sevastopolpochta” and later “transferred” to the illegal “Post of Crimea”, but also in 2017 it was illegally “transferred to federal ownership”.

It can be assumed that now the criminal “department” has found in Sevastopol a certain object of “Ukrposhta” whose address, by the way, “modestly forgot to report” in “ForPost”, which either in 2014 was not “transferred” to the occupation structures or in 2017 was not “became” illegal “federal property”. And then, through a fake “court”, the occupiers expect to first “return to the city” a certain object, naturally with its further criminal transfer to “safe hands” for a “small fee”.

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