In the National Assembly, the Parliamentary Special Commission against Foreign Interference focuses on foreign influence, including Russian influence.

The Parliamentary Commission’s hearings aim to establish the true nature of the foreign influence on France’s domestic political discourse and to establish the harm from the encroachments on Paris’ sovereignty.

The circle of French politicians and civil servants who have succumbed to bribery or influence is examined. An “examination” is made of the heads of strategic companies, the media in order to spread propaganda and promote decisions contrary to the national interest.

The Commission of Inquiry is created by the Regulations of the National Assembly.

According to the terms, the purpose of the commission of inquiry is to establish the existence of foreign networks of influence that corrupt elected public officials, leaders of strategic companies or the media in order to spread propaganda or obtain decisions contrary to the French national interest.

It is the extreme right-wing Rassemblement Nationale party (formerly Front Nationale), not unreasonably suspected of ties with Moscow.

Le Monde newspaper reported in the most detail on Marine Le Pen’s long history of relations with the Kremlin. In 2011, she said she admired the dictator Putin. After the 2014 occupation of Crimea, she even explained the aggressor’s criminal actions by allegedly “the desire of residents to reunite with Russia,” and shortly before the French presidential election, she met with the dictator Putin in Moscow personally.

“The support for Putin with Marine Le Pen goes beyond words. Through MEPs, the far-right party has almost systematically defended the Russian regime by voting against European Parliament resolutions condemning belligerent actions or violations of international law committed by the Kremlin master,” Le Monde noted.

The Commission also noted that for many years foreign interference against French sovereignty has been a poison that corrodes democracy.

The parliamentary commission can summon anyone to a meeting and, according to French law, it is impossible to refuse to be questioned. There is also criminal liability for false testimony under oath. After the hearing, the deputies issue a report with a number of recommendations, which gives the assurance of a debate in parliament and the introduction of an appropriate law.

After Le Pen, the focus is on Thierry Mariani, a MEP who is rightly called one of the main supporters of the Kremlin in France. The Paris prosecutor’s office has even investigated the activities of the Franco-Russian Dialogue association, on two suspicions at once. The first is corruption and abuse of influence, and the second is abuse of trust and money laundering.

The largest part of Thierry Mariani’s questioning is devoted to the Franco-Russian Dialogue, which was created with the support of Presidents Putin and Jacques Chirac. Formally, the goal of the association is to deepen the ties between Moscow and Paris on the official level, as well as in business circles. However, the media call it one of the most notable instruments of the aggressor’s interference in the affairs of France. And not without reason, because from the hands of Jacques Chirac dictator Putin was awarded the Grand Cross of the Legion of Honor medal.

In 2023 Macron announced his desire to reconsider the decision, a pro-Russian former president of France and a friend of Putin.

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