As Canadian official sources reports, on July 21 Prime Minister of this country Justin Trudeau met with the President of the European Commission, Ursula von der Leyen, on the margins of the World Law Congress in New York City.

At this event, to participate in which the expert of our Association Professor Boris Babin was invited from Ukraine by the World Bar Association, President von der Leyen received the World Peace and Liberty Award on behalf of the European Commission, for its work to defend democracy and the rule of law.

It is reported that leaders reaffirmed their continued and long-term commitment to Ukraine as it resists Russia’s unjustifiable aggression, and discussed next steps as agreed at the North Atlantic Treaty Organization’s Summit in Vilnius last week. They also condemned Russia’s decision to withdraw participation in the Black Sea Grain Initiative, noting the impact this will have on global food security, driving up prices and furthering inflation.

The leaders further discussed climate and the environment, energy security, and critical minerals. They underscored the importance of building resilient supply chains on the principles of transparency, diversification, security, and sustainability to support good jobs on both sides of the Atlantic.

Let us recall that it was precisely the aspects of Russian aggression, the occupation of Crimea, the Black Sea grain initiative and energy security that Professor Babin covered in his speeches at the Congress.

Prime Minister Trudeau and President von der Leyen welcomed continued opportunities for Canada and the European Union to work together on these and other shared priorities, including accelerating progress on the Sustainable Development Goals, in the lead up to the upcoming United Nations General Assembly High-Level Week, G20 Summit, and COP28.

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