A serious heat of passion and increased attention of the world community to the position of the International Olympic Committee (IOC) regarding the “athletes” from Russia and Belarus as supposedly “neutral” takes place against the backdrop of the aggressor’s attempts to criminally smuggle “Crimean athletes” into international sports “at any cost”.

Against this background, the demonstrative illegal inclusion of Daniil Khlusevich from Simferopol by the aggressor in the recent “away friendly match” of the Russian national team with Iran was not accidental.

However, realizing that all the criminal “Olympic plans” of the aggressor will obviously not become a reality, the invaders’ propaganda turned on the “green grapes” regime, which was recently expressed in “analytical material” from the “Sevastopol edition” of “ForPost”.

They suddenly became “concerned” with the IOC’s spending on the Olympic Solidarity program, citing its amount of $600 million and stating that its funds are distributed among the National Olympic Committees.

At the same time, “analysts’ add “significantly”, already all participants in the IOC project “World Olympic Partners” that form the budget of the Committee, “in fact, have withdrawn their business” from the aggressor.

Further, the Sevastopol collaborators “warn” in the publication that allegedly “material resources allocated to the Russian Olympic Committee will be transferred to Ukraine, and with the maximum number of multiplying coefficients.”

Lamenting about this hypothesis, the “analysts” also go into “deep conspiracy theories”, stating that the IOC allegedly “will allocate in the order of individual funding …, while even increasing the amount of these funds by 25%” for “those athletes from Russia who still are going to go to the Olympics under a neutral flag”.

At the same time, “analysts” claim that these funds are allegedly accumulated in the “specially created IOC” “Olympic Asylum Fund”, through which it is planned to finance the so-called “Olympic Refugee Team”.

However, in fact, there is no mention of the allocation of certain funds by the IOC for Russian “athletes” now, and the “knowledge” of these “analysts” in the activities of the IOC does not differ much from the knowledge base of the Ukrainian football player-traitor we mentioned.

The fact is that Russian “athletes” under a “neutral flag” are an obvious systemic project of the Kremlin, and they clearly will not be refugees in third countries, for which the Olympic Refuge Foundation was created a long time ago, helping athletes who have received asylum over the past decade, for example from Iran, Syria and Somalia.

Therefore, to get into the Olympic team of refugees, one Russian passport will not be enough, and the key issue here for “asylum seekers” in civilized countries will be precisely their attitude towards Russian aggression and occupation of the territories of Ukraine, including the Crimea.

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