Earlier, we have repeatedly written about the criminal actions of the Crimean collaborators in the “nationalization” of property under the guise of “fighting against Ukrainian owners”. Now the Russian occupiers have made an announcement of new “confiscations” and in this dimension the allegedly declared “owners” are interesting, as well as the real reasons for such an illegal “redistribution” of resources.

Characteristic here can be considered the mention of a certain “citizen of Lithuania Kolas Igoris”, who, according to the occupiers, “belongs to the villa “Elena” in Yalta”. At the same time, the Russian invaders name a number of certain “firms” allegedly “owned by Kolas”, these are some “limited liability companies” “Dudnik”, “Zodiac-Omega LTD”, “Intur-Premier”, “Intur Yalos”, etc.

It should be noted that Kolas Igoris is listed in the Ukrainian registers as the founder of at least six companies with Crimean addresses, and he also created two companies in Odessa. At the same time, various Ukrainian lawyers from several regions act as signatories of the Kolas’ firms; his “full namesake” also appears in the fake occupiers’ “registers” in connection with at least six illegal “firms”.

As follows from the registers of court decisions of Ukraine, the “Villa Elena Hotel and Residence”, located in Yalta on Morska Street, really, until 2014, was part of the property rights of two companies associated with Igoris, exactly “Dudnik” and “Intour-Premier”.

This five-star hotel was also actively operated under the conditions of occupation, which may be of interest to Ukrainian law enforcement officers. At the same time, Kolas Igoris, listed in the occupiers’ “registers” as one of the “founders” of the illegal clone “Dudnik”, in August 2022 “ceded his powers” to a certain Saydamin Kireev, who was associated with a number of fake “Crimean firms” and registered in Chechnya as an “individual entrepreneur”.

In addition, it is Saidamin Kireev, who lives in Grozny at 26, Plodoyagodnaya Street, where the “trademark VILLA ELENA YALTA” is “registered” under the aggressor’s jurisdiction. In general, it is easy to assume that the “business” registered with Igoris has a certain connection with individual “Chechen respected people”, and the current “nationalization” may have a classic goal: to “hide the ends” in the endless struggle of collaborators’ clans for the loot.

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